IMXR Ship Job Training VR Content (Crew - Lifesaving Equipment)

Crew - Lifesaving Equipment

IMXR Ship Job Training VR Content

It is a content that can educate emergency response methods and accident response methods through virtual reality with the aim of increasing emergency response capabilities of maritime and fisheries workers and reducing loss of life in case of emergency. By realizing a virtual environment similar to reality, it provides vivid visual and auditory effects so that users can feel as if they are interacting in a real environment.


1. Description of various marine natural environments (marine, day and night, fires)
In order to maximize the experience effect of virtual reality, various marine natural environments used in the simulator are implemented and provided.
* May differ depending on the scenario. 
· Implementation of marine environment

· describe the weather (fog, rain, snow)

· description the day and night

2. Instructor system

· Function of training control monitoring
· Function of multi, single, familiarization mode selection
· Function of training ambassador ship model selection
· Integrated power control program

The scenario was written according to internationally unified principles and standards, and was finally completed with expert advice.


[1] Free fall primary launch

Remove the safety pin inside the lifeboatStart the engine 

[2] Free fall secondary launch

Separation of lifeboat and master linkSeparation from sling rope lifeboat

[3] Free fall storage

Operate the controllerFastening the lifeboat turnbuckle

[4] Gravity drop formula primary launch

Remove the lifeboat's charging cableRemove safety pin from lifeboat releaser

[5] Gravity drop storage

Operate the lever to connect the hook and pinLifeboat Retrieval - Cradle Stopper Return

IMXR Ship Job Training VR Content (Crew - Lifesaving Equipment) Preview

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