IMXR Ship Job Training VR Content (Crew Safety Response Training)

Crew Safety Response Training

IMXR Ship Job Training VR Content

It is a content that improves the ability of maritime and fisheries workers to operate emergency response situations and fire extinguishing facilities through virtual reality, and educates tips and countermeasures that can reduce loss of life in case of emergency. With IMXR Ship Job Training VR Content (Crew Safety Response Training), maritime and fisheries workers can receive practical training in an environment similar to real situations. Through this, you can respond safely even in real situations, protect the safety of all people working in the field of marine and fisheries, and minimize damage caused by accidents.

Product registered with Public Procurement Service Venture Nara

IMXR Ship Job Training VR Content (Crew Safety Response Training) has been designated as a venture start-up innovative procurement product that the Public Procurement Service supports to expand public purchase channels according to the Venture Nara Registered Goods and Services Designation Management Regulations.
(Venture Nara item identification number : 24920042 / 24920044 / 24920045 / 24920046)

Virtual Reality (VR) Educational Contents

■ Crew safety response training contents

  1. Ship fire training
    - Training content according to the emergency response manual and ship fire extinguishing procedures
  2. Ship abandonment training
    - Training content on how to operate life-saving equipment and evacuation procedures in case of abandonment due to ship collision or flooding
  3. Lifesaving training
    - Training content in case of human accidents and shipboard training using helicopters
  4. Ship familiarization training
    - Training content familiarizing the structure and equipment according to the ship type

■ Supply of integrated management programs for VR education and training

  • Instructor system
    - Remote management training function
    - Check the status of the connected VR equipment and the trainee's point of view
    - Voice communication function for remote instructions
    - Scenario start, end, pause function
    - Add/remove/change training elements (weather, time)
    - Support remote power management
  • Evaluation system
    - Evaluation management: function to check evaluation history by trainee and play training contents
    - Progress management: Management support for each student and progress evaluation history management
    - Notice management

Key Implementation Elements - Crew Safety Response Training Contents

[1] Ship Fire Training

Training in fire detection and use of fire extinguishing equipmentTraining in the use of firefighters' equipmentTraining in the use of fire hoses and nozzles

Firefighting training by size and type of fire (Small-sized)Firefighting training by size and type of fire (medium-sized)Firefighting training by size and type of fire (large-sized)

Training on operation of various fire extinguishing equipment (portable type)Training on operation of various fire extinguishing equipment (movable type)Training on operation of various fire extinguishing equipment (fixed type)

[2] Ship Abandonment Training

Use of lifeboat deviceUse of lifeboatsUse of drop-type liferafts

Use of flaresUse of EPIRBUse of emergency radio equipment

[3] Lifesaving Training

Use of emergency radio equipmentRescue training using a helicopterLife accident response training

[4] Ship Familiarization Training

Familiarization of structure and facilities
Familiarization of structure and facilities
Familiarization of structure and facilities
(Passenger ship)

Familiarization of structure and facilities
(Fishing boat)
Work and experiences according to the crew's position

Key Implementation Elements - Integrated Management Programs for VR Education and Training

[1] Instructor System

Remote management functionCheck connected equipment statusScenario start, end, pause function

Ability to change training elementsVoice communication functionRemote power management / Group setting

[2] Evaluation System

Check evaluation history by traineeTraining contents playback functionShow training skill content satisfaction

Management support by studentProgress evaluation history managementNotice management

Application Case

Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology VR Training Room

Users l 

[Recommended specifications and specs of content]

부산본사 : (48732) 부산광역시 동구 중앙대로 244, 10층 (초량동,흥국생명부산사옥)

서울IX개발센터 : (04323) 서울특별시 용산구 한강대로366, 812호(패스트파이브서울역점)

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부산본사 : (48732) 부산광역시 동구 중앙대로 244, 10층 (초량동,흥국생명부산사옥)
서울IX개발센터 : (04323) 서울특별시 용산구 한강대로366, 812호 (패스트파이브서울역점) 

TEL : 1600-1663  |  FAX : 051-977-0302  |  MAIL :

상호명 : (주)삼우이머션  |  대표이사 : 김대희  |  개인정보관리책임자 : 김현빈

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