IMXR Job Training VR Content (Lift - Escalator Inspection)

Lift - Escalator Inspection

IMXR Job Training VR Content

In order to maximize the training effect for each escalator inspection job training procedure, training scenarios are configured according to the NCS-based work system procedure, and this content enables repeated and systematic job training for escalator inspection. The training content consulted and reviewed by a professional organization considered not only the age and expertise of the training target, but also the educational purpose and effect. In addition, to control education and training, a remote management module is provided to continuously check the training situation.

Product registered with Public Procurement Service Venture Nara

IMXR Job Training VR Content (Lift - Escalator Inspection) has been designated as a venture start-up innovative procurement product that the Public Procurement Service supports to expand public purchase channels according to the Venture Nara Registered Goods and Services Designation Management Regulations.

(Venture Nara item identification number : 24920041)

Expected effect

1. Increase technical capabilities

Maximize the experience effect of trainees through support for manipulation similar to reality

2. Realistic and immersive
 educational materials

Maximize trainees' sense of reality and immersion through realistic modeling

3. Support a Continuous Training

Supports a lecture system that supports continuous interaction between instructors and trainees


  • Educational program function : NCS-based job training and technical advice from an expert belonging to an elevator company to implement and complete a scenario
Elevator InstallationElevator InspectionEscalator InspectionSafety Accident Prevention Education

  • Learning support system : Classroom/instructor management, training result search, and learning situation search function for administrators to check student learning information
Learning Guidance ManagementClassroom / Instructor ManagementTraining SearchLearning Situation Search

  • Integrated management function (VR simulation function) : Provides necessary functions for the operator to train trainees (3D rendering quality setting, 3D viewer adjustment, scenario repetition setting, etc.)
3D Rendering Quality Settings3D Viewer AdjustmentsCheck the Completeness of WorkScenario Repeat Settings

  • Possession of English version : Provides an English version other than Korean so that trainees from various countries can participate
English version of the same content


[1] Lower Working Area

Protective measuresPreparation for inspection of lower platform

[2] Inside Driving Section

Handrail driving partUpper comb pinch safety switch

[3] Upper Working Area

Inspection of the upper working areaCheck the Driver

[4] Outside Driving Section

Check the handrailCheck the function

IMXR Job Training VR Content (Lift - Escalator Inspection) Preview

User l 

[Recommended specifications and specs of content]

부산본사 : (48732) 부산광역시 동구 중앙대로 244, 10층 (초량동,흥국생명부산사옥)

서울IX개발센터 : (04323) 서울특별시 용산구 한강대로366, 812호(패스트파이브서울역점)

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부산본사 : (48732) 부산광역시 동구 중앙대로 244, 10층 (초량동,흥국생명부산사옥)
서울IX개발센터 : (04323) 서울특별시 용산구 한강대로366, 812호 (패스트파이브서울역점) 

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사업자등록번호 : 617-81-91045  |  통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2023-부산동구-1064

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